Friday, January 25, 2019

New Title

1) Spaans, Arie L. et al.. Field Guide to the Birds of Suriname (Revised, Updated Second Edition). 2018. Brill. Paperback: 642 pages. Price: $72.57 U.S.
PUBLISHER'S SUMMARY: Suriname, located on the Atlantic coast of northeastern South America, is a relatively small country compared to most other South American countries. It nevertheless has a rich avifauna. By the end of 2017, 751 species (including 765 subspecies) were known to occur in Suriname. Most of the land area of Suriname is still covered with tropical rainforest and the country should be a must-visit for birdwatchers. Suriname is even mentioned as being the best country to spot certain neotropical species. Surprisingly, few birders visit Suriname. The main reason given is the lack of a handy pocket guide that can easily be carried in a backpack. This (revised and updated) edition of the Field Guide to the Birds of Suriname (with its 109 color plates [2 more than in the 1st edition]) tries to fill this gap. In addition to species accounts, data on topography, climate, geology, geomorphology, biogeography, avifauna composition, conservation, and hotspots for bird watching are given. So, why delay your trip to this beautiful and friendly country any longer? Suriname with its rich avifauna awaits you!
RECOMMENDATION: The page count has increased from 633 (1st) to 642 (2nd). Currently the only bird field guide available for the country.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Title

1) Hunter, Luke. Carnivores of the World: Second Edition. 2018. Princeton University Press. Paperback: 256 pages. Price: $29.95 U.S.
PUBLISHER'S SUMMARY: This is an expanded and fully revised new edition of a highly acclaimed guide to the world’s carnivores―some of the most spectacular and feared creatures in nature. Covering all 250 species of terrestrial, true carnivores, from the majestic polar bear and predatory wild cats to the tiny least weasel, Luke Hunter’s comprehensive, up-to-date, and user-friendly guide features 93 color plates by acclaimed wildlife artist Priscilla Barrett that depict every species and numerous subspecies, as well as more than 400 drawings of skulls and footprints. Features new to this edition include revised and expanded species coverage, a distribution map for every species, 25 new behavioral illustrations, and much more. Detailed species accounts describe key identification features, distribution and habitat, feeding ecology, behavior, social patterns, reproduction and demography, status, threats, lifespan, and mortality. An introduction includes a concise overview of taxonomy, conservation, and the distinct families of Carnivora.
  • Covers all 250 terrestrial carnivore species
  • Includes 93 color plates by acclaimed wildlife artist Priscilla Barrett
  • Packed with new features, including:
  • Fully updated coverage, including new accounts of 9 recently delineated species
  • 7 new color plates illustrating the new species and additional forms of existing species
  • 185 distribution maps
  • 25 new behavioral illustrations
  • 16 new pages and larger format
  • A double-page spread on canid hybrids
  • The latest data on population trends and endangered status

RECOMMENDATION: A must have for those with an interest in these mammals. The page count has increased from 240 (1st) to 256 (2nd).